Drum Line
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About the CSC Eagle Drumline
The CSC Eagle Drumline performs at events sponsored by various organizations on the CSC campus and also at events sponsored by groups and institutions off campus. Events may include but are not limited to CSC sporting events, parades, pep rallies, grand openings, conferences, faculty meetings, and other events by request. The CSC Eagle Drumline is a part of the CSC Eagle Pep Band and provides support by playing cadences and stand tunes with the band during football games in the fall semester. In the spring semester, drumline members are encouraged to participate in the concert percussion ensemble.
The CSC Eagle Drumline to open to all students regardless of major.
The drumline members represent many diverse majors and academic subjects from around campus.
Eagle Drumline Instructor
Dr. Rick Puzzo, DMA
Assistant Professor of Music, Percussion
Chadron State College
Auditions and Drumline Camps
Auditions for the Eagle Drumline will normally occur in the Spring semester. The drumline will generally be set by June of each year. Students may also audition during the August drumline camp. Exceptions to these standards are on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Dr. Puzzo for information about becoming a member of the CSC Eagle Drumline.
There is an audition and skill builder camp on April 12, 2024 from 2 to 4pm. All middle school and high school students are invited to attend.
A two week drumline camp is scheduled for the two weeks prior to the start of school in August each year. For Fall 2024, the in-residence camp is August 5 through August 15. Attendance at this camp is required to be a member of the drumline.
Students staying on campus should check into their dorm rooms the day before (Sunday) the first day of camp. Most meals from the CSC Dining Hall will be provided by the Music Department.
Maximum size of drumline:
Marching Battery:
6 Snare Drums
3 Tenor (quints)
5 Bass Drums
3 Cymbals
Electronic Front Ensemble:
Electric bass
Student Leadership Opportunities
Each segment of the drumline (snares, tenors, basses, cymbals) will normally have a designated student leader. This student will generally be in a higher year of college study and have participated in the Eagle Drumline for at least one academic year. The student will display leadership skills, be a model student, be able to lead a segment rehearsal with limited supervision, and demonstrate solid skills in playing and moving.
Fall 2023 Eagle Drumline Handbook (Fall 2024 Handbook is coming soon)
Drumline Audition and Skill Builder Camps
Are you interested in marching drumline?
If you are interested in joining the drumline for the Fall 2024 semester, please contact Dr. Rick Puzzo at rpuzzo@nigzob.com right away.
Skill Builder and Audition Camps are in March and April 2025.
Join the CSC Eagle Drumline for the Fall 2025. There are open positions in the bass drum line, snare drums, tenor and cymbals. Try out on your favorite instrument. Everyone, regardless of skill level, is invited to come and play with the CSC Drumline.
If you are not a high school senior, this is a great opportunity to learn some new techniques and build some skills. Middle school through high school ages are all welcome to attend.
If you have questions, please email Dr. Rick Puzzo at rpuzzo@nigzob.com.